Terms of Service

Article 1 (Purpose)

1. These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") apply to users who use "JM Live" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") operated by M Salone Co., Ltd. and Maverick Technology Co., Ltd. will be done. Users use this service after agreeing to these terms.
2. These Terms set forth the terms of use of this Service. All users who register for this service will use this service in accordance with these Terms.
3. This agreement will be established between the user and the operating company when the user agrees to these terms and completes the user registration specified in Article 3.


Article 2 (Definitions)

The following terms used in these Terms have the meanings set forth below.
"This Agreement": Refers to the contract for the use of this Service concluded between the Operating Company and the User based on these Terms.
“Site”: refers to the website on the Internet that provides the Service.
"Operating Company": Refers to both M Salone Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the entire service, and Maverick Technology Co., Ltd., which mainly operates this site.
“User”: Refers to everyone who has registered as a user of this service.
“User information”: Refers to the personal information of users who have registered with this service.
“Communication equipment”: refers to smartphones, tablet terminals, and computer equipment.
"Manufacturer": Refers to a corporation or individual that sells products or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Products") via this Service.
"Live commerce": Refers to a method of live selling products to an unspecified number of people using online media such as social media and live videos.
“Liver”: Refers to the person implementing live commerce. Users use this service to conduct live commerce, so they are "livers = users."

Article 3 (User Registration)

1. Those who wish to become a user of this service must agree to the terms of this agreement and register as a user on this site. Once the operating company completes user registration and assigns an ID to the user, this agreement will come into effect between the user and the operating company.
2. If there is a change in the information registered under the preceding paragraph, the user is obligated to immediately carry out the procedure to change the registered information on this site.
3. The operating company may, at its discretion, refuse user registration if it determines that the following reasons apply.
(1) Membership registration that is considered to be a prank or other fraud
(2) Membership registration considered to be for service investigation
(3) Multiple membership registrations believed to be made by the same person
(4) Membership registration where false or incorrect information has been entered, or where there are omissions.
(5) Member registration whose purpose is considered to be a site attack or destruction/stopping of the system.
(6) Membership registration by organized crime group members, etc. as defined in Article 17, Paragraph 1
(7) Other membership registrations deemed inappropriate by the operating company.
4. Users may not use, lend, transfer, buy or sell, or pawn their account on the Service to a third party.

Article 4 (Contents of this service)

This service aims to support matching between manufacturers who want to sell products through live commerce and users (livers) who sell those products through online media. It provides users with manufacturer information, product information sold by manufacturers, campaign information provided by manufacturers, etc., and creates opportunities for live commerce. We will disclose user profiles and sales results as drivers to manufacturers, providing them with the information they need to select drivers.

Article 5 (Affiliate Partners)

1. All information regarding manufacturers and products posted on this service is provided by partner companies (hereinafter referred to as "partners"). Although the information on this service is updated from time to time, please understand that the content may differ from the information source depending on the timing of information updates.
2. The operating company may change its affiliate partners at any time, and will not be responsible for any disadvantages caused to users as a result of this.

Article 6 (Live commerce rules)

1. On this site, users can apply for live commerce to any manufacturer. Furthermore, applications for live commerce shall be made based on the user's will.
2. Some user information will be provided to the manufacturer when applying for live commerce.
3. Users are responsible for negotiating their own interactions with manufacturers, and the operating company cannot respond to inquiries by phone, visit, email, etc. regarding these matters.
4. Manufacturers may reject live commerce applications for various reasons.
5. If you conduct live commerce, please be sure to report sales information to the operating company using this site.
6. Direct transactions with manufacturers you meet through this service are strictly prohibited.

Article 7 (Membership Fees)

The usage fee for this service varies depending on the content available. Please refer to the separately concluded contract.

Article 8 (Change of registered information, etc.)

1. Users can change, add, or delete their registered user information at any time through the member registration change screen on this site. However, such changes, additions, and deletions will not be reflected in the content previously provided to the manufacturer.
2. Even if there is no intention to cancel registration, if the user has not logged in to the Service even once for two years, the registration will be automatically canceled.
3. If a user has not logged in to this service even once for three months, the e-mail magazine distribution service may be suspended. However, this does not guarantee such suspension.
4. The usage history stored in the database of this service may be deleted during maintenance of this service.
5. If there is a change in postal code, municipal merger, or change in municipal name, the operating company may revise the relevant sections. However, we do not guarantee that modifications will be made as a result of changes.

Article 9 (Management regarding user information and communication devices)

1. Users shall provide all equipment, communication means, transportation, and other environments necessary to receive the Service at their own expense and responsibility. In addition, all communication costs required for using this service shall be borne by the user.
2. Users are responsible for managing user information and communication devices. The user is responsible for any damage caused by insufficient management of user information and communication equipment, errors in use, use by a third party, etc., and the operating company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the operating company's intent or negligence.
3. If there is a risk that user information or communication equipment may be used by a third party, the user shall immediately notify the operating company and follow the instructions of the operating company.

Article 10 (Terms of provision of this service)

The operating company may suspend or change this service for maintenance etc. without notifying users.

Article 11 (Intellectual property rights, etc.)

1. When a user posts, etc. on this service, all copyrights (Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act (including the rights set forth in ), I agree to grant the operating company the right to use it free of charge and without restriction for any purpose.
2. Regardless of the method or form, the User may use all information and content provided through this service (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Operating Company Content") for personal use as stipulated in the Copyright Act. Copying, reprinting, public transmission, modification, or any other use beyond the scope of this is prohibited.
3. Copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, and any other intellectual property rights related to the Operating Company Content, as well as the right to register these rights (hereinafter collectively referred to as "intellectual property rights") ) belong to the operating company or the licensor to whom the operating company is licensed, and do not belong to the user. Furthermore, regardless of the existence of intellectual property rights, users may not copy, distribute, reprint, transfer, publicly transmit, modify, adapt, or make any other secondary use of the Operating Company Content.
4. If a user violates the provisions of this article and a problem occurs, the user must resolve the problem at his own expense and responsibility, and do his best to avoid causing any disadvantage, burden, or damage to the operating company. Appropriate measures must be taken.
5. The User shall not be liable for the moral rights of the author ( (including publicity rights, name display rights, and identity preservation rights).

Article 12 (Prohibitions)

1. The operating company prohibits the acts specified in the following items when using this service by users.
(1) Acts that violate these Terms
(2) Acts that infringe upon the property or personal rights of the operating company or a third party, such as intellectual property rights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyrights, portrait rights, etc. Actions that may occur
(3) Acts that cause or are likely to cause disadvantage or damage to the operating company or a third party.
(4) Acts that unduly damage the honor, rights, or trust of others, or acts that are likely to do so.
(5) Acts that violate laws, regulations, etc.
(6) Acts that are or may violate public order and morals, or acts that provide information that may violate public order and morals to other users or third parties.
(7) Criminal acts, acts that lead to criminal acts, acts that encourage criminal acts, or acts that are likely to lead to criminal acts.
(8) Acts of providing information that is contrary to the facts or information that may be contrary to the facts.
(9) Unauthorized access to the operating company's system, falsification of program code, falsification of location information, intentional falsehoods, cheating using communication equipment specifications or other applications, distribution of computer viruses, and other services. Acts that interfere with the normal operation of
(10) Acts of using macros and functions or tools that automate operations.
(11) Acts that damage the credibility of this service or acts that are likely to do so.
(12) Acts of impersonating a third party and using this service by using another user's account or using other methods
(13) Acts related to criminal proceeds, acts related to terrorist financing, or acts suspected thereof.
(14) Other acts that the operating company deems inappropriate.
2. If the operating company determines that the user's actions fall under any of the items in Paragraph 1, the operating company may take any or all of the following measures without prior notice: .
(1) Restrictions on the use of this service
(2) Dismissal of membership due to cancellation of this agreement
(3) Other acts that the operating company reasonably deems necessary.

Article 13 (Cancellation)

If the user falls under any of the following items, the operating company may cancel this agreement and have the user withdraw from membership without any notice.
(1) If the registered information contains false information
(2) If you have been subject to withdrawal from the management company in the past
(3) In the event that a user's heir etc. informs them that the user has died, or if the operating company is able to confirm the fact of the user's death.
(4) If you do not respond in good faith to a request from the operating company
(5) In other cases where the operating company deems it inappropriate.
2. In addition to the cases listed in each item of the preceding paragraph, the operating company may cancel this agreement and have the user withdraw from membership by notifying the user at least 30 days in advance. In addition, if the user wishes to withdraw from membership, he or she may cancel this agreement and withdraw from membership as of the last day of the month by following the withdrawal procedures established by the operating company.
3. Users who withdraw from membership due to the measures set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 will lose the benefit of the deadline at the time of withdrawal, and will immediately fulfill all obligations owed to the operating company.
4. In the cases of Paragraphs 1 and 2, information registered with the affiliated partner via this service may be removed or deleted.

Article 14 (Non-warranty/Disclaimer)

1. The operating company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, effectiveness, etc. of the content of this service. Furthermore, the operating company does not guarantee that this service will not be interrupted, canceled, or have any other problems.
2. When users use this service, they may transition from this service to other services operated by third parties related to this service (hereinafter referred to as "external services"). In that case, the User shall use the Service and the External Service at his or her own risk and expense, after agreeing to the terms of use, etc. of the External Service. Please note that the operating company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, effectiveness, etc. of the content of external services.
3. The operating company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the user not changing the registered information.
4. Users should use this service within the scope of laws and regulations. The operating company assumes no responsibility even if the user violates Japanese or foreign laws and regulations in connection with the use of this service.
5. Even if user information is stolen due to unexpected unauthorized access, etc., the operating company will not be responsible for any damage caused to the user as a result.
6. The Operating Company shall not be liable for any non-performance of all or part of this Agreement due to natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, strikes, embargoes, wars, civil disturbances, outbreaks of infectious diseases, or other force majeure events. yeah.
7. Even if a user has trouble with another user regarding the use of this service, the operating company will not be held responsible, and troubles between users will be resolved by the user at his or her own expense and burden. To do.

Article 15 (Liability for damages)

If the User causes damage to the Operating Company in connection with a violation of these Terms or the use of this Service, the User shall compensate the Operating Company for the damages (including lost profits and attorney's fees).

Article 16 (Abolition of this service)

1. The Operating Company may discontinue the provision of the Service if the Operating Company reasonably determines that the provision of the Service should be discontinued.
2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the operating company will not be held responsible unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the operating company.

Article 17 (Confidentiality)

1. Users and the operating company shall not disclose any confidential information of the other party that they have come to know regarding the provision or use of this service (including know-how regarding this service, information regarding the operating company's systems, and any technical or commercial confidential information). , shall be managed strictly and appropriately, and shall not disclose, provide or leak information to a third party (including affiliated companies and outsourced companies of the operating company) without the prior written consent of the other party, or the provision or use of this service. It must not be used for any other purpose.
2. The following information shall not fall under confidential information.
(1) Information already in possession at the time of disclosure
(2) Information that was already publicly known at the time of disclosure, or information that subsequently became publicly known due to reasons not attributable to the individual.
(3) Information lawfully obtained from a third party after disclosure
(4) Information independently developed or created without relying on disclosed confidential information
3. The operating company may use users' confidential information for the purpose of providing this service.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, if the Operating Company is required to disclose confidential information by law, court, administrative agency, or regulation, judgment, order, instruction, etc. of a public agency with regulatory authority, Confidential information may be disclosed to the extent necessary.

Article 18 (Exclusion of anti-social forces)

Users and operating companies are currently organized by organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, persons who have ceased to be members of organized crime groups for less than five years, quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, special intelligence organized crime groups, and other similar persons. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "organized crime group members, etc."), and that we do not fall under any of the following items, and we guarantee that we will not fall under any of the following items in the future.
(1) Having a relationship where organized crime group members, etc. are recognized to have control over management.
(2) Having a relationship with a member of an organized crime group, etc. that is deemed to be substantially involved in management.
(3) Having a relationship that is deemed to involve unfair use of organized crime group members, etc., for the purpose of gaining fraudulent profits for oneself, the company, or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party.
(4) Having a relationship that is recognized as being involved in providing funds, etc. or providing convenience to organized crime group members, etc.
(5) An officer or person substantially involved in management has a socially reprehensible relationship with an organized crime group member, etc.

Article 19 (Response to inquiries)

1. The operating company will endeavor to respond to inquiries from users regarding this service, but is not obligated to do so unless the operating company has an obligation or responsibility under laws or regulations or these Terms of Use.
2. The operating company is not obligated to disclose the criteria for responding to inquiries from users.

Article 20 (Transfer of status, etc.)

The User and the Operating Company shall not assign, transfer, set collateral, or otherwise transfer all or part of the status under this Agreement or the rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party. It cannot be disposed of. However, this does not apply to stock transfers, business transfers, mergers, company splits, and other organizational reorganizations.

Article 21 (Handling of personal information)

Personal information in this service will be handled based on the "Privacy Policy" established by the operating company. Users shall use this service after agreeing to the privacy policy.

Article 22 (Severability)

1. Even if some of the provisions of these Terms are determined to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the other provisions of these Terms will remain valid.
2. Even if some of the provisions of these Terms are invalidated or canceled in relation to a user, these Terms shall remain valid in relation to other users.

Article 23 (How to deal with violations)

1. If the user discovers any act that violates these Terms, please contact the operating company.
2. Users may not object to the Management Company's actions in violation of these Terms.

Article 24 (Validity period of this agreement)

The term of validity of this Agreement shall be from the time this Agreement is established until the User withdraws from membership. Furthermore, the provisions of Articles 13 to 16, Article 17 Paragraphs 3 and 4, Article 20, Article 21, this Article, Article 27, and Article 28 shall remain in effect even after the termination of this Agreement. shall continue to exist.

Article 25 (Changes to these Terms)

1. If any of the following items apply, the operating company shall comply with these regulations pursuant to the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code.
You can change the terms at any time. After these Terms have been changed, the changed Terms will apply to this Agreement.
(1) When changes to these Terms are in the general interests of users.
(2) The changes to these Terms do not contradict the purpose of the contract, and the necessity of the changes and the compatibility of the changed contents.
When it is reasonable in light of the validity, content, and other circumstances surrounding the change.
2. If the Operating Company makes any changes to these Terms, the Operating Company shall determine the effective date of the revised Terms, and notify the Company of the content and effective date of the revised Terms at least two weeks prior to the effective date. We will inform users by notifying users, displaying on this service, and other methods prescribed by the operating company.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if the User uses the Service after the changes to the Terms set forth in the preceding paragraph have been made known, or if the User does not take the cancellation procedures within the period prescribed by the operating company, the User shall You agree to the changes to these Terms.

Article 26 (Governing law)

All applicable laws regarding these Terms shall be the laws of Japan.

Article 27 (Agreed jurisdiction)

All lawsuits between users and the operating company shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive court with jurisdiction of the first instance.

Article 28 (Others)

1. If the Operating Company separately stipulates details regarding matters not stipulated in these Terms, the User shall comply with such details. In this case, such details, etc. shall be integrated with these Terms.
2. Details, etc. will become effective from the time they are posted in the location designated by the operating company.
3. In the event that there is a conflict between the details and the contents of these Terms, these Terms shall prevail.